Saturday, August 25, 2007

Even Mother Teresa...

here's a book I am looking forward to very much
There's a bit of controversy brewing about this one among some of her admirers as to whether this should even be published or not (she made it very clear that she wanted these letters destroyed). My personal opinion is that she was hardcore Catholic, and as such was committed to submitting to what those over her "commanded" (for lack of a better word), including this. Denial of self-will and all that... a key part of her devotion. And it was made equally clear to her that these letters would not be destroyed as she wished, and so there is nothing particularly backhanded about this, in my view.
Thomas Merton went through the same thing, as did I'm sure a whole slew of others through the centuries.
I think most people wouldn't want their personal letters or journals to be read by a bunch of people, but I also think the canon of literature is far richer because of the publication of some of those. The writer is many times not the best judge of what should be made public, and cooler, more objective heads prevail sometimes (Kafka, anyone?). These letters are edited, of course - we're probably not going to read something about MT's illicit sex life (if there were such portions in her private writings). But I think her superiors understood the importance of allowing people to read of her struggles with her faith, as a balance to the commonly held (mis)beliefs about her as some sort of unapproachable saint. I personally think it's incredibly important to bring her image back down to reality as "just like one of us". Her life can't be so easily dismissed as "the sort of thing saints do that I, however, could never do". I think her superiors understand that it can sometimes be more damaging to a person's faith if they think that someone like Mother Teresa never struggled with doubt but was always "perfect, inside and out". There are things that are truly personal and probably shouldn't be shared with everyone, and there are things that seem very personal, and yet are beneficial for others to read as well, for the building up of believers and all that, etc...
just my opinion...

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