Sunday, January 04, 2009

Vigilantes of Love: "Resplendant"

How much of this was meant to be?
How much the work of the devil?
That's a question I've asked in one form or another for more years than I can remember. Discerning the voice (and work) of God from that of the deceiver, whether in the world or just in my own head.
Thanks to Aron for showing me this video via his blog. I didn't know this existed. one of my favorite songs from one of my all-time favorite artists...
How much of this is failing flesh?
How much the course of retribution?
my, my, how loudly we plead our innocence
long after we've made our contribution

1 comment:

LittleBird said...

one of my favourite tracks, by VoL or anyone...

i bought a book in Nashville in the fall called "the worst hard time" by timothy egan (about the people who stayed on the high plains during the 1930s dust bowl) simply 'cause the title and cover reminded me of this song.

oh to have emmylou's voice for just fie minutes and use them to sing this...